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Writer's pictureJanelle L. Auch

Trust In Your Discernment

Our Divine Download for January 9, 2025 is Daniel/Divine Discernment from The 22 Archangels with the message "Trust in the messages within. They are divinely guided." Daniel is mentioned in the book of Enoch as the Angels who watches over 200 other Angels. Like Uriel, he is associated with the energies of light, fire, and the sun. His name means "God is My Judge" and he is dedicated helping us align our life with justice and truth. With his help, we can use discernment with regards to challenges and decisions. Discernment is a deep knowing of the answer or the next step when it comes to a a life decision. Call on Daniel to help you make the best decisions for your path ahead. You have come to a point in your life where you have the ability to make a judgement on a particular area of your life that requires a decision to be made. Whatever comes to your mind in this instant is the issue that the Angels are bringing to your attention. What you feel you need to do is absolute what you need to do. You may be wavering because you lack trust in what you are feeling or because there's a part of you that's struggling with the truth that you need to embody. But Daniel's guidance is to trust your discernment. When you take that first step in faith, the next step will become even more apparent. Step by step, the Divine is guiding you , so trust in your ability to assess a situation, whatever it may be, and make an appropriate judgement. Angels are with you and are helping you now.

Sometimes you need to touch in with your Angels more directly during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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