Our Divine Download for May 13, 2021 is Guinevere/True Love from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. It was not so very long ago that we had a message about unconditional love and miracles. It's like The Beatles said "All You Need is Love." And it's so true. In fact, it is probably more true now, today, than it ever has been in the past. We are all craving love, and connection, and human compassion and kindness, etc. Yet it seems to grow increasingly scarce when all we seem to see everywhere we look is hatred, and division, and separateness. Just like with unconditional love, true love, romantic or otherwise, starts with our relationship with self. If we do not love ourselves, truly, madly, and deeply, then how can we possibly expect that someone else would swoop in and fill all those voids for us?! That's just not the way that it works. We make all kinds of excuses and justifications for why we don't have or do not experience love in our lives the way that we want to and the way that we expect to. It's fascinating that in an age of ever increasing instant connection through technology, we have an uptick of single people and people who truly feel separate and alone. Love yourself enough to put yourself our there beyond the no-mans land of your excuses and justifications for why you aren't lovable and why you have not yet found or experienced the type of love that you are seeking. Love yourself enough to be honest with yourself. Love yourself enough to be honest with others. Be loving in all of your interactions with all people because you just never know who needs to experience your true loving nature. When you focus on love by truly loving yourself and behaving in a loving way towards all those who encounter, you vibrate on the frequency of love and that is what you will attract more of in your life. Are you ready, willing, and able to do this? Because love truly is all you need!
Sometimes what we thought was true love simply was anything but and when our ego plays these tricks on us, it can result in energetic baggage and negative cords of attachment. If you feel like you are having the same challenges in your relationships over and over and over again, you can stop this pattern in it's tracks with an Energetic Cord Cutting to remove the negative cords of attachment that have you bound. Book Yours Today:Book Your Session!
