Our Divine Download for January 31, 2021 is Turquoise with the message "Prioritize Your Health" from the Daily Crystal Inspiration Oracle Deck. It's time to take your life, including your health into your own hands. What does it look like to you to prioritize your health? How do you define health? Every body is unique. Every body therefore has unique and individual needs and unique and individual states of health. What is your body telling you that it needs right now? Your health requires a certain amount of self-reflection and introspection focused on what will make YOU feel your best. Each step that you take based on this information is a act of service to your body, to your health. Do you see your body as friend or foe? Do you demonstrate gratitude towards your physical body? Will you commit to partnering with your physical body on your personal journey of health? Even small steps towards a healthier you and a healthier life style will have greater benefits right now. We as a society sometimes fall victim to an all or nothing mentality when it comes to the idea of health. Even 15 more minutes of rest each day, or a quick walk at lunch, or using a mediation app, adding more veggies to your diet, committing to meatless Mondays for a month - any of these seemingly small things can make a big difference to your overall health. Do you treat your health as a priority? If you do not, why not? Which aspects of your health could maybe use a boost? Turquoise brings us the affirmation "My health is a priority, so I practice self-care." Start today. Honor yourself and your physical body by doing one thing, however large or small, to support your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual health. Let's allow ourselves to experience and enjoy our best state of health this year.
We live in a society that has some pretty ass backwards ideas about what health is. It can be hard to tune into ourselves and harder still to know where to start if we maybe have been stuck in some patterns of some not so healthy choices. Our chakras will always speak their truth about our current state of health. Tune into them and your health with a Flower Therapy Chakra Reading to embrace and prioritize your best state of health. Book your session today!
