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Writer's pictureJanelle L. Auch

Tap Your Resources To Reignite Your Inner Flame

Our Divine Download for November 9, 2024 is Burdock/Tap Your Resources from The Illustrated Herbiary. Burdock is a tireless companion (just think about how burrs get stuck in your dog or cat's fur!) She will cheer you on when you're running low on steam or even self-esteem, or recovering from a lingering ailment. Burdock's a nurturer, building you up with gentle sweetness and asking nothing in return. Her roots run deep, and once she sets her sights on breaking up dry soil or shifting old habits, she's persistently relentless. She's similar to that friend from your childhood, the one you can always count on to have your back. "Trust me," she says, "all will be well." Burdock helps you find strength when you think you have none, warming you from the inside and nourishing you deeply. In this way, she's a hearth fire in that she offers gentle heat, warm light, and the promise of a nourishing home-cooked meal. To help you reconnect with your inner flame, which is your own sustenance, Burdock guides you to start by lighting a candle. As you stare into the flame, and imagine a small spark lighting deep in your core. See the candle's flame mirrored within you as a glowing ember. Breathe gently, letting your inner flame grow with each inhalation and shrink to an ember with each exhalation. Continue repeating this cycle of breath with the accompanying visualization. Once you have this visualization down, add a sense of warmth. Feel your innards warming on the inhalation and cooling on the exhalation. Practice for 1 minute at the start and work up to 10 minutes of this practice. Know, that like Burdock, each breath is nourishing you deep within.

When you have become disconnected from your own inner flame, from your passion, and sometimes even from your physical body, an Integrative Reiki Session is the perfect session to help you make space and move any blocks from reconnecting with your inner flame, passion, and your physical body. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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