Our Divine Download for April 21, 2024 is Surrender from The Divine Abundance Oracle Cards with the message "Sometimes learning to surrender can feel as if you are dying. The ego learns what's hardest: to stop trying to control the whole universe." Whelp, if this doesn't piggy back directly with yesterday's card, I don't know what does. So there you have it. Surrender isn't easy. It's one of the hardest things that you will ever have to do. It's one of the hardest things that you'll ever learn to do. But it is also one of the most rewarding and liberating things that you'll ever do. And there is SO much peace in surrender. All of the peace in the universe lies within the ability to be willing to surrender. Here's the thing: as much as we think that we want to, we do not actually want to be responsible for controlling the whole universe. Can you even imagine? Trying to control the planets, the weather, the seasons, everyone's manifestations, how every single little detail of everything in life plays out...no thank you! Think about how challenging it can be some days just to tend to the things that you do have control over. Why on earth (or in the universe as the case may be) would you want to take on anything beyond that?! You wouldn't. You don't actually want this. You want to let go. You want to surrender. You feel like you are dying because your ego does sort of have to go through a proverbial death to calm down enough to allow you to not try to control all of the things all the time. But that's okay. Your ego needs to die a little in order to allow you to surrender and live peacefully. The pain of ego death is an illusion and a delusion. Surrender to it. Let it happen. Take your power back. The power to truly surrender is not only one of the greatest powers that you have, but it is in fact a super power. Embrace it as such!
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to turn up the volume on our intuition which is one of the quickest ways to kill our ego. If you have struggled with meditation in the past, a Meditation & Me Session will guide you in the right direction. Schedule Your Meditation & Me Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
