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Strengthen Your Inner Growth

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for December 31, 2023 is Strength/Uruz from The Rune Cards. Strength is the Rune of terminations and new beginnings - how perfect for New Year's Eve! Drawing Uruz is an indicator that the life you have been living has outgrown its form which now must "die" so that life energy can be release in a new cycle form. Uruz is a Rune of passage and as such part of the Cycle of Initiation. Positive growth and change are coming. But first we must let go of what is no longer serving us (we really don't want to carry that into a brand new year anyway!) Sometimes positive growth and change can require or involve a descent into darkness as part of the cycle of perpetual renewal. Just like in nature, this progression consists of five stages: death, decay, fertilization, gestation, and rebirth. The letting go portion of the program may prompt us to undergo a proverbial death within ourselves, but at this time, we are also being counseled that this particular death will feel like a relief. Self-change is never coerced - we are always free to resist - but remain mindful that the new form, the new life, the newness that your soul seeks, is always greater than the old. Prepare, then, for opportunity to seek among the ashes and discover a new perspective and new strength. It could be that your new perspective is merely that you've had the strength all along and did not until this very moment of transformation realize just how strong you actually were. Uruz may also call you to give serious thought about the quality of your relationship to your Self (you know, your most important relationship!) Regardless of how it plays out, or what form it takes, The Rune of Strength puts you on notice that your soul and the universe support your new growth!

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