Our Divine Download is Heart-To-Heart Conversations from The Romance Angels Oracle Cards. It's time for real talk in your life. No more surface conversations. No more avoiding awkward subjects. If it's on your heart, it needs to be talked about. Plain and simple. It it's not on your heart, but on your mind, you need to assess if it is your ego or your intuition (aka the spiritual truth of who you are) that is driving the desire for this conversation. We cannot have real and honest conversations with our egos involved. Our egos have nothing to do with the spiritual truth of who we are. Our egos have nothing to do with what is on our heart. In fact, our ego usually confuses what is on our heart, or has us avoid it all together, or even "talks" us out of believing that what is on our heart is actually on our heart because it might be uncomfortable. So learn to work with your ego. Learn to quiet that pesky little bugger long enough to be able to hear your heart well enough to know what is on it. Whatever is there, especially those things that may be weighing heavy, that is what needs to be said, those are the conversations to have, and the conversations to prioritize. And don't forget, in this speaking from the heart process, that we also need to tell the people that we love and care for that we do in fact love and care for them because we may not ever get another chance to do so. Do not overlook the importance of telling those you love that you love them as often as you are able because we all need to hear it way more than we do, we are all loved way more than we think we are, and love is in fact what makes the world go round!
Your Guides love you too! If you are struggling to connect with them, and need some help corralling your ego, a Stairway To Heaven Session is just the ticket to get your working with your guides to help you shush your ego. Schedule Your Stairway To Heaven Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
