Our Divine Download for August 5, 2020 is Making a Difference "My inner light shines far and wide." from the Gateway Oracle Cards. It's time to look for ways that you can make a positive difference in the lives of others today and to look for ways to try to be of service. It's time to stop focusing quite so much on yourself, and just for today, even just for a few moments, turn your attention to how you can help others, how you can positively impact the world. Even the smallest act can often make the biggest difference. When the world feels overwhelming, and it feels as though our simple lives and simple, mindful actions cannot possibly make a difference in the world, the Angels are assuring you that our simple, mindful actions absolutely do make a huge difference and that we do have the power to effect positive change even in a chaotic pandemic focused world. Something as simple as smiling at those you interact with, picking up trash, calling a friend or relative to check in, paying it forward in the drive through line, donating to a charity, volunteering your time in service, a kindness extended to an acquaintance, or doing a favor for a friend, all of these seemingly simple acts have a great ripple effect in the energies of the collective, especially right now. The story of the an who returns beached starfish to the ocean demonstrates this beautifully. Those around him criticize him because he cannot possibly save them all. But he replies, from his heart, that he makes all of the difference to that one starfish. You can make all of the difference to those whom you choose to shine your light on too. And, you never know just how big those ripples from your acts of kindness, your choice to focus on making a difference will spread and reach. Challenge yourself to see how much of a difference you can make today!
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