Our Divine Download for June 19, 2024 is Fence/Boundaries from The Signs Of The Time Oracle. It's important to establish boundaries in your life and relationships, especially as a form of self-care. Just as fences clearly define what is yours and areas where people can and cannot have access, it is time to determine where you should up up fences around your heart and your time. Be clear about what you will and will not allow. People may be asking a lot of you or trying to take advantage, but know they can only do what you allow. Be deliberate not only in setting your boundaries, but in communicating them. The card can also serve as a reminder to stand up for yourself and a nudge to be firmer with the lines you've established. You are, in a sense, teaching people how to treat you. Even if it feels awkward or uncomfortable now, in the long run this will have a positive impact on your personal and familial relationships and increase your self-confidence. Set stronger boundaries. Sometimes the message accompanying this card is to just say no. Remember boundaries are NEVER about other people - this is where we sometimes get it very wrong. Our boundaries do not necessitate other people to change. What they do necessitate is for US to change in our reaction to other people's actions or inactions. Boundaries are always all about us.
Our Angels know that boundaries are not always the easiest things for us to establish or manage and they are willing to help support us in our efforts there during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
