Our Divine Download for December 13, 2020 is The Wheel from the Fairy Tarot Cards. Guess what?! It's another Major Arcana card! Three in a row! And boy oh boy are things about to start moving forward for you! When The Wheel card shows up for you it is a sure sign that things are about to start moving for you, even in areas which may have seemed stuck (and yes, even in those areas which may have seemed really, Really, REALLY stuck). Delays are over. They were necessary and they served a purpose and it's possible that you may never fully know or understand exactly what that was or why it was necessary. But it doesn't matter. The why just doesn't matter (Pro-tip: the why usually just doesn't matter). It's time to get moving. The time and the space that you are now rolling into will be a magical time which will allow you to make some much hoped for changes. This is also a card of good luck and good fortune and lovely synchronicities. The key is that while things may have started to move and started to toll forward, it is up to you to take the necessary actions, to do the footwork in order to keep things moving and rolling forward. Sometimes as things move forward, the footwork that we may need to do can shift and change, requiring a little bit of learning or research on our parts. Everything set in motion requires further action in order to keep or gain momentum. It is up to you as to how much or how little action you will take and how fast you want to be rolling along. During this serendipitous time of lucky breaks, open doors, and forces of positive change being on your side, make sure to surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you to keep things rolling and cheer on you and your success. You want to stay optimistic about your future plans at this time, even when you may have to roll through or around obstacles. You are making progress, even when you feel derailed by a detour or a bump in the road. Notice your progress, celebrate your progress, and keep right on rolling.
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