Our Divine Download for March 15, 2025 is Second House/Resources from the Star Codes Astro Oracle. The Second House is ruled by Venus which is all about what you love and what you value. Venus is Retrograde for about another month (it ends April 12th). So we are being called to review what we love and what we value and what our relationship is with our resources. We may even be evaluating what we do and do not consider resources because chances are that we have a lot more resources at our disposal and in our lives than we believe that we do. There is a finite amount of space that we can have in our lives, and if the space in our world is being taken up by things that we do not love and do not value than we are blocking our blessings from having space to land. So when Venus retrogrades, it is a particularly important assignment to re-evaluate what we love and what we value. If you do not love something, why is it in your life? Why are you allowing it to take up space? The reverse to this is also true. Are you assigning appropriate value and showing corresponding reverence to the things that you do love, or the things that need to be valued? Sometimes, especially when we may not be experiencing abundance and prosperity in our lives to the extent that we may wish to be, it is because we are not showing appropriate appreciation, value, and reverence to what we already have and in doing so we are effectively telling the universe that we simply don't care what is or is not in our lives. So assess your relationship with all of your resources and readjust those relationships as you may need.
One of the things that we can do to help support us in a period of review is to show reverence to our body (the greatest resource we have!) by investing in it and taking extra good care of it during an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
