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Release & Uplift

Writer: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for August 1, 2021 is Unbound bringing us a message of "Releasing soul patterns, contracts, and past lives." from the Work Your Light Oracle Cards. There has been a pretty major focus in 2021 on releasing and transforming anything and everything that isn't or hasn't been working for us. Some of this shift is easy, exciting and fun. Some of it is more challenging, and in some cases has even felt like it has shaken us to our very core. We're being told that we still have work to do in order to release patterns of the past, whether that past be from the past of our current life, or from past lives from other times. We need to release these patterns, and to unbind ourselves in order to allow ourselves to rise up, to lighten our load, and to bring more light into our lives and our souls. This type of work doesn't have to be heavy, cumbersome, or burdensome. It doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to feel like work! We get to approach this time with whatever mindset and whatever intention that we see fit. If we can adjust and shift our perspective to see this as an opportunity to uplift and enlighten ourselves, to continue to grow and thrive beyond the patterns of the past, it becomes so much easier to facilitate the unbinding and release of those past patterns. And, we don't have to know exactly what to do or how to unbind ourselves or to release the patterns of the past, we can call on our Angels and guides to inspire in us the necessary action steps that we need to take in order to make that happen. We have the support of the entire Universe as we adopt a willingness to do whatever we have to do in order to live our best possible lives!

Energetic patterns and cords can settle within our physical bodies, and actually cause very real physical, emotional, and energetic symptoms. An Integrative Reiki Session can help balance out any areas where this may have occurred, as well as provide meaningful insight and action steps to keep it from happening in the future. Book Your Integrative Reiki Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!


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