Our Divine Download for May 12, 2024 is Self-Respect "I honor and love myself through my healthful actions" from the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle. Are your actions showing the world that you honor and love yourself? Would you define the majority of your actions (especially those towards yourself) as "healthful?" If not, it's time to change all that mighty quickly. If you do not love and respect yourself, how can you honestly expect anyone else to? You have to put yourself not just on the list, but at the very top of the list. The best way to show the others in your life that you respect them is to lead by the example of respecting yourself. Do you know what that looks like for you right now? Do you know what that looks like in general? Do not judge yourself harshly if you do not. When we are raised in environments that were not centered around and built upon respect, we cannot learn what we are not taught, are not shown, and do not know. So what does it mean to you at this juncture in your life to honor and love yourself through your healthful actions? Well, first and foremost, it means that your actions have to be healthful. You know what is and isn't good for you, regardless of how you were raised or the environment that you were raised in. You know what does and doesn't feel good to your body. You know what does and doesn't feel good to your mind and your spirit too. Honor that. Use that as your compass, as your guide, and make your decisions and all subsequent moves from that place of personal knowledge and empowerment. The more that you do, the more that you empower yourself. The more that you empower yourself, the more easily you are able to show yourself the proper amount of self-respect that you deserve.
Karuna Reiki can really help with some deep healing and shift some deep seeded issues surrounding self-respect or lack there of. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
