Our Divine Download for December 14, 2021 is Children from the Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards. Once again our Angels are signaling us that our need to play, have fun, and honor our inner child isn't being honored to the extent that we need it to be. When was the last time that you checked in with your inner child? They are in need of some attention right now. Interacting with children is a wonderful way to connect with your own inner child and allow yourself to play in a non-threatening way. Perhaps you can do an activity which will focus on or help children to feed your inner child's desire to connect. Take some time and ask your inner child "How do you feel?" and "What would you like to do?" Allow them to answer honestly and receive this information without judgement. Another very powerful question is simply "What do you need right now?" Consider planning some time where you do an activity just to support your inner child, or even where you take your inner child on an outing where you do things to allow your playful side to emerge. When was the last time that you allowed yourself to swing or slide at a park? Or took an afternoon nap? Or drew on the sidewalk with chalk? Or blew bubbles? Or built a sandcastle? Or took a bubble bath? Or ate your most favorite childhood treat? Any of these are wonderful ways to honor and connect with your inner child. Just for today, challenge yourself to see our world through the innocent eyes of a child as you work to connect with your own innocent inner child. The worst that can happen is that you might just have some fun and experience some joy!
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