Our Divine Download for August 27, 2024 is Peace Of Mind from The Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards. This card is putting you on alert that your mind, your thinking, and your subsequently created reality are about to get a breather and an infusion of calm, peaceful energy. Whew! It's about damn time! Things haven't been peaceful for most of us for a long (LONG) time. Some of us have forgotten, or may have never really known what peaceful energy feels like. But what a lovely thing to get to learn, relearn, or just experience. We can help to build in peace of mind by being mindful about our thoughts and staying vigilant about our ego's participation in them and it's tendency to hijack them. We must keep our ego in check in order to be able to truly experience peace of mind. It becomes easier to do so over time and with practice. Peace of mind in general can be something that we need to practice when we have become used to our thoughts, and our ego, running away from us. We are the ultimate controllers of our thoughts, but all too often our ego has been conducting the thought train for so long that we don't even realize what are our organic thoughts, what are our ego-based thoughts, and what are our intuitively based thoughts. Once we can use the practice of self-awareness and mindfulness to separate out what's what, it becomes much easier to lean into peace and to embrace peace of mind. If this is something that you haven't been actively working on, start now (it is never too late!) but also give yourself some grace and space because all learning is a process and is usually not instantaneous. But it's so worth it. Because few things are as valuable as peace of mind.
Meditation can be a large contributing factor to cultivating and maintaining peace of mind. Lean further into developing your own meditation practice with a Meditation & Me Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!