Our Divine Download for December 10, 2024 is Divination from the Oracle of the Fairies. We often forget that we are in fact divine. We are therefore fully capable of divination. But we forget that, in part because our egos like to talk us out of what we know, in part because we live in a society that focuses on essentially everything other than our divinity. We have developed a habit or a pattern over the years of talking ourselves out of what we know, what we Divine from the Divine, and assigning that responsibility to others who are "better at it" then we are, who "know more than we do," who may be better practiced at it than we are. That last part may be true, but practice makes perfect and just because someone has more experience than you do with divination, doesn't mean that they are better at it or know more than you do. Divination is truly bio-individual and the way that you connect with and commune with the Divine will not be the same as how any one else does so. And that's flippin' fantastic! Right now, you are being put on notice that your divination skills are hopping and popping and likely vastly easier to access and largely more accurate than they may have been in the past. So the time to lean into your own divination and your own divinity is NOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, and not "later..." You've got the power, and you can tune into the knowledge, it just takes a little practice. You've got this, and the Divine has you. They have all along!
An Integrative Reiki Session can roto rooter out any old, stagnant, or negative energies that may be blocking your Divine connection. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
