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Writer's pictureJanelle L. Auch

Power Through Patience

Our Divine Download for August 7, 2021 is The Angel of Patience telling us "My patience creates miracles in my life." and The Angel of Power with the message "Infinite Power, heal me! In my real beingness I am strong, happy, and peaceful." Aw man, it's the P-word. Definitely not a fan favorite. But, the Angel of Patience and the Angel of Power are here to provide a very specific recipe for what we are meant to be doing while we are patiently waiting for whatever it is we are patiently waiting for. And, they are here to remind us that there is great, great power in having patience. We often mistakenly think that when we are being patient, we are being passive or weak. Our culture models for us that we need to be pushy and aggressive in order to properly exude and experience our own strength. Our Angels tell us that this is nonsense. We also routinely set ourselves up to believe that we'll be happy when...(insert magical time or condition that we are waiting for before we get on with the happiness portion of the program.) The reality is that we are here, on Earth, right now, in order to be in joy. It's our purpose, our mission, our birth right. And it is part of our recipe to ensure that our patience isn't devoid of meaning. We do the same thing with peace. We put a cosmic shitton of conditions on and around our requirements for peace, and then when all of those conditions aren't meant (hint: conditions are unlikely to ever be perfect!) we lean into discontent and turmoil rather than choosing to promote and experience peace in ourselves and in our lives. So our recipe for leaning into patience is not to push, to choose joy, and to allow peace. When we do those three things it becomes more difficult not to be in patience and acceptance. And acceptance is a necessary ingredient within patience. When we can accept things and people and even ourselves (gasp!) as they are, it becomes easier to allow the necessary time and circumstances to unfold for meaningful growth and change. Will you accept the scope of the magnificent power you possess within your patience?

Reassurance is often another necessary ingredient to promoting patience. Our Angels are more than willing to give us reassurance, but when we are really invested in one particular outcome it can become more challenging to see the signs of their reassurance. A 60 Minute Angel Card Reading will allow our Angels to dole out the reassurance that we need. Book Your Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!


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