Our Divine Download for December 1, 2021 is Ariadne Mistress of the Labryinth from The Divine Feminine Oracle cards bringing us the message "My soul knows the way. The only way out is through." Ariadne is a symbol of hope, the divine assistance, and the step-by-step process we can take to move through a difficult time or to confront an injustice in our life. She reminds us that we have the tools to create our desired outcome. We are being guided to act with courage. Courage is always rewarded in some way. Especially when we seek to end an unnecessary pattern or routine that is no longer serving us, even those patterns that we may have originally created in order to keep ourselves safe. Changing and breaking patterns can feel absolutely insurmountable, peppered with a bit of pure terror. But the soul always wants our freedom. The divine is what liberates, never confines. When it feels as though we can't find our way out of this situation, this is our assurance that we can. We can trust that the soul knows the way through. And we can trust that there is abundant spiritual support given. Always. When we are brave we can fall in love with our actions, and then our actions become inspired. Ariadne also reminds us how powerful that we are - infinitely and unlimitedly powerful. What allows you to feel supported while doing your inner work? How will you face your fear and do it anyway?
Fear is a liar, but it can be so darned loud! Our Angels understand the human construct of fear and will shine their heart lights full of their love for us to help us to navigate through our fear and allow us to take appropriate action. Check in with your Angels with a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Book Your Session HERE: Book Your Session Today!
