Our Divine Download for April 10, 2024 is Strawberry/Love from The Sacred Medicine Oracle. These delicious red berries are calling you into a healing space for your heart. Traditionally we call the strawberry "the heart berry" due to its shape and healing qualities. This medicine invites you into the eternal flow of love, reminding you that love is not conditional and that you are always worthy of receiving love. Where does love need to flow in your life? Where have you been pushing it away or blocking it from entering your space? Are there aspects of your heart that feel broken or parts that need tending to? Perhaps it's the current state of the world that is causing heartache for you. Strawberry reminds us that in order for change to happen, we must break open like buds on a vine. Let the pain flow and allow yourself to feel it rise so it can release. You are being asked to bring consciousness to your heart space at this time. As you focus your awareness, strawberry will amplify the flow of nourishing divine love. With an open heart, you can carry love's frequency more effortlessly. Allow the vibration of love to flow in reciprocal ways, balancing out the giving and receiving. Strawberry calls us to step into this beautiful harmony and today you are asked to soak it all up. Imagine that an ancestral spirit hands you a sweet, ripe strawberry to eat. It is filled with nourishment and unconditional love. As it moves down your body, it invites you into softening and tenderness. Healing energy seals up and wounds that you are carrying. She places her hands over your heart, helping to regulate your heartbeat and calm your nervous system. You are loved and whole. Your heart is healing. What could possibly be better than that?! Use the healing affirmation "As I welcome the vibration of love into my being, I glow with healed heart medicine."
A Karuna Reiki Session is one of the gentlest and most loving gifts that you can give yourself to bathe yourself in loving universal life force energy. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!