Our Divine Download for March 8, 2021 is New Love from the Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards. For some of you this card will be quite literal and it heralds the arrival of a new love interest or romantic relationship in your life. But for all of us, this card is promising more, renewed, and new love in our lives. But how?! Why by aiming for it, intending it, and focusing on it of course! When we intend to fill our days with more love, and to experience more love in our lives, we cannot help but manifest that. It all starts with being truly, deeply, madly loving of and towards ourselves. When was the last time that you showed yourself some love? When was the last time you told yourself that you love you? The past year has been a challenging one for everyone, and we have been guided throughout 2021 to increase the love vibration in our lives and to be more demonstrative with the love that we show others on a regular basis. Instead of focusing on what has divided us in the past, we are being guided to focus on loving the humanity that exists within each and every one of us, right here, right now. When we do that, we will be in the energy of love more often and more intensely, which will then attract the energy of more love into our lives. Love is a natural state of being and one of our divine rights to be experienced during our lifetime. We are not here to be challenged by or to experience a lack of love. True love, without limitations, strings, or conditions is one of the most beautiful energies that exists. Do you love yourself like this? Truly? Madly? Deeply? If not, start here. Love yourself. Allow yourself to fall in love, or back in love with you. Do not let your relationship with yourself, and the love you show or withhold from self be defined by someone else's opinion of you or any of your past experiences. Those do not define who you are. Those do not decide your worth or your ability to give and receive love. So do not let them. One of the biggest, boldest, bravest ways for you to take back your power which may have been misappropriated to others is to truly love yourself unconditionally. Start there. And be prepared to share the love. Because it's coming!
Loving yourself unconditionally can be so very challenging because we live in a society of conditions and withholding. Your Angels love you unconditionally and can give you simple, easy to follow action steps as to how you can best love you and how you can therefore attract more love into your life and live in a more loving way. Book your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Here: Book Your Session!
