Our Divine Download for September 28, 2024 is Relationship "I call in the infinite power of Love to take over this union in every way. May it now fully belong to the Divine. Let it unfold in the perfect way for each of us. I needn't fear letting go of control; my needs are always abundantly met." from The Wild Offering Oracle. So often in relationships of all kinds we inadvertently sabotage ourselves and our relationships by trying to control others and the outcome. Not only will this practically never work, but it will surely build in frustrations and resentments regardless of the type of relationship. We may think, feel, or even believe to our very core that we know better than the other person what it is they "should" or "should not" be doing or thinking, but the truth of the matter is that is never for us to know in any relationship. Trying to exert control within any relationship is a recipe for disaster. Do you enjoy it when others try to control you? Then why would you think that anyone else would be all aboard your control train over them or the situation? No one wants to be or feel controlled. That's why free will choice exists. When we can surrender to Love and trust the Divine and trust that what and who is for us will not pass us, our need to try to exert control lessens. Often when we are looking to control others it also stems from being or feeling out of control ourselves in some aspect or capacity of our lives and we attempt to right the ship by attempting to exert control over others. It won't work. The only person that you can control is you. The only actions that you get to dictate are yours and yours alone. Get really, truly honest with yourself if you find the need for control playing out in your relationship dynamics and ask yourself where it is stemming from and be willing to honestly assess what is going on in your own life that is causing you to feel so inclined to control. Love's got this. The Divine's got you. There's nothing for you to control here. Except yourself.
Our need to control frequently stems back to our family of origin and we may need an Energetic Cord Cutting to help alleviate our need to control and irradiate the issues from which it stems. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
