Our Divine Download for April 22, 2024 is Loss from The Divine Abundance Oracle Cards with the message "Sometimes you learn true offering through loss. You make a passionate invitation for Love to take over and bring Her own plan instead of the ego's." When we talk about loss, it can play out in so many different ways. But the thing about the word loss is that it implies that we had ownership of someone or something in some way. This is rarely the case. What do we truly own? What is really ours? Most of the things that we allegedly own are illusions (or delusions as the case may be). When someone dies, we didn't lose that person. They never belonged to us, regardless of the nature of our relationship. When we lose objects, it is said within the metaphysical community that their purpose in our lives have simply run their course. When we lose a job, did we ever really own the job? Nope. And typically when we lose a job, it often leads to a better path or a better opportunity, so did we actually lose something or did we gain something else? So much of the concept of loss is rooted in perspective. We choose if we define the experiences in our lives as loss. We choose how we react to alleged losses. We choose if we decide that the loss is an offering or even an invitation to a better circumstance or situation. We choose if we lean into love to allow the universe to show us details of the greater plan. We get to choose. So we can choose to lean into and grieve or be angry about perceived loss, or we can choose love and faith. We even get to choose as to whether or not we label something as a loss, and therefore based on that label how we react accordingly. Choose wisely my friends. Choose wisely.
When loss doesn't make sense to us, our Angels are happy to help us lean into love during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Reading TODAY: Schedule Your Session HERE!
