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Immense Growth Through "Suffering"

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for June 7, 2024 is Immense Growth from The Animal Apothecary. We are ALL being pushed towards immense growth this year (just in case you hadn't noticed!) Growth means change, there's no two ways about it, and change isn't comfortable for anyone, even when it is good change, when it is necessary change. Vulture comes to speak to us about the wisdom of suffering. In Buddhism, the first noble truth is that all life involves suffering. Suffering isn't something to be escaped but accepted. Only when we accept this law into existence are we able to transmute and grow from suffering. Vulture sustains her life by living off that which is dead. She does not interfere by bringing a quicker death to her prey. Instead she allows it to endure what it must, and its suffering ends in its natural time. This mirrors back to us the importance of patience. The name of the turkey vulture is Cathartes aura which means golden purifier. They purify the landscapes by removing decomposing carcasses that could spread disease and harmful bacteria. In the same way Vulture cleanses the land, suffering purifies the heart and removes the veil of ego. Suffering comes in two forms, both meant for growth. The first form is inflicted upon us and is therefore out of our control. The second form is self-inflicted, created from the attachments and illusions of our ego. Vulture's medicine asks you to understand that pain, suffering, and trauma hold an energetic power. It is your choice whether to allow that power to attach you or to transmute its energy into your greatest asset. If you choose the latter, within you a hidden gift will be revealed far greater than all your pain.

Our Angels understand that when we are suffering we struggle with acceptance and seeing the proverbial forest through the trees. They will gladly guide us with simple Spiritual Action Steps during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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