Our Divine Download for October 1, 2023 is A time to give rather than take/New Moon in Virgo from the Moonology Oracle Cards. Virgo is one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac, and as such, this is putting you on notice that it is time for you to nurture others in your life, and to see where you maybe are not giving as you could or as you should within your relationships. Sometimes this can be about how we are giving as well. Are we giving wholly and generously from our hearts, or are we giving with strings attached and the expectation that we will receive something or some sort of benefit in return. When we give, it needs to be selfless, and with no expectations whatsoever. This is the type of giving that defies the "give and take" standards and societal norms that the media tries to sell us. Sometimes we are called on and tagged in from the universe to give because we can. Sometimes it really is just that easy. Sometimes it may be the case that we are the only one capable of giving in a particular way within a certain situation. This is a new beginning when it comes to your relationship with giving, hence the new moon on the card. Perhaps this is because it is bringing to light or beginning to shed light on some less than ideal or unhealthy patterns that you had associated with the idea of giving in the past. You don't have to give to a point where you are depleted. You just need to make sure that you are giving selflessly and from the heart in the most loving and nurturing way that you are able.
Giving to yourself is just as important if not more so than giving to others. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and balance with an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
