Our Divine Download for November 27, 2024 is I Am A Creator from the I Am Everything Affirmation Card Deck with the message "Everything around me began as a though. My clothes, my home, and even the roads I drive on were once just thoughts. When I take the time to contemplate my surroundings, I grasp all of the thoughts that took place to create the world. Likewise, my thoughts have created things. My thoughts create my actions and thereby create my life as I know it. Therefore, I strive, and I strive to think about my desires optimistically. I am a creator." Well there you have it! In reality, as much as we are creators, we are ultimately co-creators with the universe, and co-manifestors as well. So it is NOT all on our mere mortal shoulders. Phew. One less thing! But, we really need to work hard to keep our thoughts in check and in alignment with that which we do want and not wander into the territory of what we don't want, what we fear, etc. Our minds are actually the biggest most powerful tools that we possess and our thoughts absolutely create our experience. 100%. So focus on what you want. Focus on what you want to create in your life. Focus on what you want your life to look like, what you want to include, how you want to feel, how you want things to be. Focus and feel. FEEL what it will feel like when you have what you are focusing on creating, and feel it as though it is already yours. Because it truth, it is. Some version thereof. Or something even better. Play with this. See what you can create in your life, in your world, and see how quickly you can create it. You will not disappoint yourself. But you may surprise yourself at just how powerful your thoughts are and just how quickly you are able to create your goals and all that you want. Go forth and create. It's only your birthright. No big deal ;)
Sometimes when heavy energy is in or around our bodies it can delay or even block our creations and manifestations and an Integrative Reiki Session is the perfect and relaxing way to roto-rooter those heavy energies right out of your body. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!