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Forgive Your Way To The Most Peaceful Version Of Yourself

Writer: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for January 2, 2025 is Forgiveness from the Manifesting With The Fairies Oracle. Yeah, they hit us out of the gate with everyone's favorite topic. But, looking at the image on the card, this is a clear indication that forgiveness is the path towards peace, and the vehicle which will allow you to spread your wings and fly. So anything that you carried over from 2024, anything that is still in need of resolution, you have two choices at this juncture: get to resolving it, however that needs to look, or let that shit go. Dealer's choice. But also, many did not have the year that they were wanting, intending, or feeling like they were needing last year, so if you are holding yourself in some sort of state of non-forgiveness about any of that, it's also time to let yourself off the hook. You did the best that you could with what you had at the time and you were and are exactly where you need and are supposed to be. #facts What is for you will not pass you. #facts So if there was learning that you needed to do under circumstances that you felt were less than ideal, that's just led you to where you are now and you can move forward knowing better and doing better. If you pushed people our or away that maybe you did not intend to, now is the perfect time to make amends. But it's also time to make amends to yourself. To truly, deeply, meaningfully forgive yourself. 2024 was an intense year, and many were not at there best for a plethora of different reasons. If you were not always at your best, you lived, and you learned, and you can be a better, wiser, more learned version of yourself now. That's the great thing about forgiveness: there's never any expiration date on it. However, the longer you carry the heavy energy of unforgiveness, the more you are blocking other blessings from landing and the more that you will suffer. #facts

Sometimes we may need to go a step beyond forgiveness and an Energetic Cord Cutting may be necessary in order to cut the negative cords of attachment that we have to other people, past experiences, or past versions of ourselves. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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