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Follow Your Heart

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for March 3, 2025 is Eight of Water from The Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards. In other tarot interpretations this would be the eight of cups, eight of hearts, eight of summer, eight of Archangel Raphael. This is a card of wanting more, seeking more, with the energies of boredom, apathy, and discontentment. This is usually an indication that there is something more that we are meant to be doing, something more that we are meant to be experiencing, and something more that we are meant to be seeking. That doing, experiencing, and seeking is what will lead us to the emotional fulfillment which will in turn fill our proverbial cups. This might not always be a feeling or a situation that the people in your life understand or support. They may even "should" on you. "Well, you should be grateful for what you have..." "You have all of these nice things..." "Everything appears to be going to well for you..." "Why would you go back to that person when things didn't seem to be any better with them?..." Newsflash: it doesn't matter what they think. It doesn't matter what their opinion is. It doesn't matter how they feel. It's not their life to live. It's yours. And if something doesn't feel right to you, then it doesn't feel right to you. It's as simple as that. This isn't to say that you won't have moments in your life or within your relationships that feel off, that's human nature. But we're talking macrocosmic verus microcosmic here. Not analyzing every single second of every single situation and dynamic within your life, but an overall discontentment, boredom or apathy is probably an indication that you need to be making some bigger moves and changes and likely that you need to be seeking something different for your life and within your world. If you don't have any idea where to start looking, follow your heart. That is your best compass and the ultimate guide to your intuition!

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