Our Divine Download for May 1, 2024 is Angelite/Spiritual or Religious Community from The Crystal Angels Oracle Cards with the message "Join with like minded people for friendship and spiritual growth." Do you know what sunflowers do on cloudy days? They turn their sunflower faces towards each other to be each other's sun in the absence of the sun shining brightly in the sky. Our message here is to find our proverbial sunflower people. Who can we turn to on our cloudy days? Who an we turn to in order to help bring more light into our lives? Who can we call on when we are having those absolute "WTF?!" types of days that we all have from time to time. It isn't easy being a spiritual being having a human experience in this particular day and age and goodness knows that the world at large and the macrocosmic community isn't doing anything to make it any less challenging for us. So we have to utilize the tools in our tool boxes in order to make it through this crazy little thing called life. Our own community, our tribe, our sunflowers are some of those tools. And if you don't have that right now, that's okay. Because it is never too late to put it out there to the universe and follow the inspired action steps that we are guided towards as we develop our own tribe and find our own sunflowers. But we do need to be mindful of the people whom we are surrounding ourselves with and the people who we are investing our energy in to make sure that they are lifting us up and lighting us up and not dragging us down. Sometimes this isn't easy, especially when we come to junctures in our lives where we may have outgrown certain people. But that's okay too. We don't necessarily have to cut those people out of our lives, we can continue to love them, maybe from a bit of a distance, we simply need to be mindful about how and in whom we are investing our energy.
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