Our Divine Download for May 16, 2024 is Enthusiasm "Whatever I am most passionate about is the direction I will follow" from the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards. It is SO very important for us to have enthusiasm in our lives. Passion is another word for enthusiasm. Passion and enthusiasm represent one of the four main elements and that is the element of fire. What lights you up? What sets you ablaze in the best possible way? Have you felt passion in your life lately? (Passion doesn't have to be for a person, it can also be for literally anything in your life). If not, it is time to find out what you DO feel passionate about at this juncture in your life. Passion can change throughout our lives. Most of us still don't carry around the blanket or stuffed animal that we were so very passionate about as small children. But what did we replace that with? And what did we replace the replacement with? It is possible, wonderful even, to feel passion and enthusiasm about multiple things in our lives at the same time. This is actually ideal because our purpose for being here (i.e. on Earth and alive) right now is to be in joy. What better way to be in joy than to be full of passion for all of the wonderful things in our lives?! If something is in your life and you don't love it, then why is it there just taking up space? Do not hold on to things about which you do not feel enthusiasm, passion, or love. Because when you do, you are blocking the universe from bringing you blessings about which you will feel passionate. And that's no good!
When you have become disconnected from your passion, sometimes you may need the help of your Angels to tune back into what really lights your fire which they will gladly do during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!