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Feel Your Feelings Towards Emotional Freedom

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for October 2, 2024 is Feelings "Emotions want to be felt. You really can't surrender something until you deeply feel it. Allow me, Dear Divine, to offer all emotions to You, feeling them fully so they no longer hold me captive." from The Wild Offering Oracle. We try so hard to avoid and get around feeling our feelings. It really is comical at times the lengths that we will go to shelve them, shove them down, and avoid dealing with them. We label them, we think about them, we try to analyze them, and none of this ever works. We try to make our feelings separate from us, and they are not. They are a part of us and a necessary part of us. They are part of our operating system and when we do not acknowledge, process, and feel them fully, we are never operating to our fullest potential or at our best possible capacity. But we also do not need to allow our feelings to control us either. Because while they are a PART of us, they are not us, and need not control us. We have to find a way to strike a healthy balance between these two extremes, and our guidance is that we need some Divine support right now in order to do this. And that's okay. We don't live in a society that supports us fully experiencing our feelings, or surrendering to them. So if society isn't going to get out back with integrating and surrendering to our feelings, we've got to think bigger and reach higher for the support we need for full integration. We're also being put on notice that we are not to be captive of our feelings any longer. So anything that has been holding you down or back in the emotions department, has to go, right about now. It's time to bring it up one last time, feel it as deeply as we need to in order to surrender to it, and then blow it away and let it go. Buh-Bye emotional captivity! Hello integrated feelings!

Our Angels understand that sometimes we need a little extra help integrating our feelings, feeling them fully and deeply, and surrendering to them, and they will gladly offer us Spiritual Action Steps in that direction during a 60 Minute Angel Card Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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