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Expect The BEST (& Then Some!)

Our Divine Download for September 16, 2024 is Exceeding Expectations "I soar into excellence!" from The Gateway Oracle Cards. Guess what time it is? Not just your time to shine, but your time to SOAR! When was the last time that you felt that you were so on top of things, so on top of the world that you were soaring? If you can't remember, it's probably about time for you to figure out what you need to do to align with the energy, the potential, and this amazingly potent feeling that is coming in for you. Maybe you need to redefine what it means to you to soar...maybe you haven't been looking at your accomplishments through the correct lens of perception (have you been noticing them at all?!) You are truly amazing. Truly. You do and accomplish amazing things each and every single day. There are absolute facts. So if you don't feel like you're doing what you need to be doing or that you are where you want to be, take a step back and be willing to be honest with yourself about whether or not you're possibly (probably) being too hard on yourself). Focus on your accomplishments every single day. Give yourself credit and praise for your accomplishments every single day (out loud!) Realize that each day that you are alive, you have accomplished something, and probably a whole lot more than you are realizing or giving yourself credit for. And if you aren't/can't/don't give yourself credit for your every day accomplishments, how will you notice and celebrate the accomplishments that you are coming into - soaring into excellence? Set your expectations from here on out that ALL (I said ALL) of your expectations WILL be exceeded. And so it is! Whoo-hoo!

When you have time acknowledging and celebrating your victories and accomplishments, it could be the result of past programming that came from your family of origin and your ancestors and an Energetic Cord Cutting will help free you from those energies that are keeping you from celebrating and even reaching your full potential. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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