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Delight In Divine Chaos

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for February 28, 2024 is When the Storm Spirits Play from The Dream Weaver's Oracle. So in case you missed it from the lightning bolt shooting from the eagle's eye, or the two howling dogs featured on the cards, you are being asked to surrender you need to control outer circumstances, which is based on a desire to feel more certain, avoid confrontation, and resist change. This card is all about learning and understanding how to navigate negative divine chaos, clear the air, stir the pot, scatter seeds, and bring in new possibilities. Divine chaos?! What the what?! Oh yeah, that's the beauty of the universe. There is often (always?!) order within chaos. Just because we cannot see it does not mean that it does not exist. (Facts we struggle with as mere mortals for 1,000!) This card signifies a time to trust that any chaos, any disorder, is temporary, but necessary and important. You're now able to let go of what is unnecessary or that which you've resisted releasing. Even if you find yourself in conflict now, it invites you to see things from alternate perspectives and provides you with a lot of valuable information. New, important possibilities arise from the chaos at hand. For now, the highest good for you is to remain at the center of the storm (sometimes this is actually the safest place to be). Meditate and be mindful of your reactions, as you don't yet have all the information needed to make an authentic or accurate choice. Watch and wait. There is a divine reordering at the root of this chaos. Listen deeply for the epiphany rising to greet you, and you will know the gifts this experience holds for you. When the Storm Spirits play, amazing things are stirred up through this divine change for the highest good of all!

Our Angels understand our need for reassurance, especially during the storms of chaos that erupt in our lives and are happy to provide us that during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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