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Decide From Your Heart-Based Intuition

Writer: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for July 1, 2023 is Decisions/Perfect Actions Are Shown from The Divine Beloved Oracle Cards. This card is a sure sign of two things 1). It is time for you to stop procrastinating on making the decisions that you KNOW that you need (and even want to make) and 2). You aren't going to be successfully make those decisions from a cerebrally based head space. You must (MUST) make theses decisions from an intuitively guided heart space. In other words: follow your heart and follow your gut. They will not steer you wrong. They simply cannot. The image on the card depicts an archer and we know that archers almost always hit their targets. This is your assurance that you will (you WILL) make the right decision. So stop thinking about it. Stop second guessing yourself. Give it some meditation time and space, and allow yourself to be guided to make the most divinely inspired decision that will be not only in your greatest and best interest, but that will also be in the greatest and highest interest of all. Sometimes when we're impatient for things to change or trying to prematurely rush decisions, it can be hard to surrender to divine timing (remember: time is merely an illusion!) in order for the correct events to line up in order to move things forward. But guess what? Thinking it to death doesn't change any of that! But going with the intuitive and connected flow of the divine surely makes it a hell of a lot easier! Trust yourself. Trust that the universe has your back. Trust the timing. It's all going to work out even better than you ever thought it possibly could.

Our Angels know the challenges we face in surrender and noticing and following the signs of Divine Guidance and will happily point them out to us during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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