Our Divine Download for June 17, 2021 is Fourth Chakra/Archangel Raphael bringing us guidance for "Love, Compassion, and Self-Acceptance" from The Energy Oracle Cards. We now have a greater readiness and ability to receive love from others as well as ourselves. Our hearts are healing from past hurts and pain in a much more obvious way right now than ever before. Archangel Raphael is here for us to assist us in healing all matters relating to our heart centers and our heart chakras and will gently use is beautiful healing pink and green light with which to do so. He also gently reminds us that true compassion starts with self, and encourages us to speak to ourselves using the voice of compassion that we are often so skilled at using with others. Do you speak to yourself compassionately? Do you exercise harsh judgement against self? Do you hold yourself up to a different, higher standard than you use for others? Would you speak to other people the same way that you speak to yourself? When you speak to yourself with the same compassionate self talk you wish to hear from others, a brilliant light shines from your heart center which will send people and situations to you which will cause your sense of love and support to grow and blossom. Meditate on increasing the love and light in your heart center and call on Archangel Raphael to help bring healing and clarity there. Love yourself enough to give yourself the approval that you used to seek from others. Affirm: "My heart center, my forth chakra, is open to its perfect, healthy, and joyful state. The energy of love flows through me now. I live in love." And so it is!
Love, compassion, and self-acceptance can be easier said than done depending on our past experiences and families of origin. All of the Angels are here to help support you in cultivating these practices and will gently and lovingly guide you to do so during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Book Your Session Here: Book Your Session!
