Our Divine Download for December 2, 2024 is Sodalite/Come To Calm from The Illustrated Crystallary. When your nervous system relaxes, your mind can suddenly see patterns that were previously obscured: intuition and intellect, collective consciousness and individual observation come into balance. You gain perspective and can learn into your own wisdom. In this quiet inner-place, you begin to trust yourself and feel steady in the world. "For all this to happen, Sodalite says "you need to come to calm. You need to soften every bit of you, all the way down to the minute motions of the dendrites of your nerve cells." Take a deep breath, blow out the stress, the questions, the agitation. Come, actively, to calm. When you're in fight-or-flight mode, you can't hear the voice of your heart. And actually, you're not supposed to; our bodies are hardwired to get us out of danger. While our fight-or-flight reflex worked great for saber-toothed tigers, it's not as useful for the stressors of modern life. Daily stresses send us, biologically, into fight-or-flight. Which means even a traffic jam can put you into reactive mode. The most important thing to know about being constant low-grade reaction, is you do not realize that you're in it. Like unskilled poker players, many of us have tells that show when we are under stress. Maybe you bit your nails or twist your hair. Perhaps you talk (or scream) at other drivers on the road as if they can hear you. Do you know what your personal tells are? The first step to soothing the fight-or-flight response is to know that you are in it. What feels truly restful for you? Do you nap in bed, on the sofa, or outside in a hammock? Is there music or silence? Are you in darkness or napping like a cat in a pool of sunlight? In order to come to calm, you need to figure out your tells, and the answers to what calm means and how it looks for you.
Karuna Reiki is a deeply relaxing experience that can help you come to calm and heal on a deep level. Schedule Your Karuna Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
