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Change Through Ego Evolution

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for April 25, 2024 is Change from The Divine Abundance Oracle Cards with the message "When the ego finally sees the utter madness of trying to control everything, you come to a sacred crossroads in your own evolution." Change is not usually a favorite concept for humans, and it is something that we resist, sometimes with all of our might. But it is necessary. If everything were meant to stay exactly the same, you would be exactly as you were at the moment that you took your birth. That's just not how anything is supposed to work! Change is necessary. Change is important. Hopefully, for most of us, change is also synonomous with growth. Our egos don't like us to change because when we change and when we grow, our ego also then must adapt to our change and growth. Ego likes to get comfy and cozy right where it is, based right where we are at this very moment, which is how it believes it can best keep us safe. But that's just nonsense. Our egos can be tamed, believe it or not. They can actually be partners with us, instead of a necessary part of ourselves that we are fighting against, nearly constantly. But in order to tame our ego, it takes work, and part of that work means that we must give up the illusion of control. Nothing is within our control. There are always external factors and universal factors which may influence even the best laid plans. And that's okay. Because usually when we surrender control it means that there is simply something even better on the horizon. Hooray! In this particular case, the better that is on the horizon for each and every one of us is a sacred crossroads in our personal evolution. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Our Angels know that taming our ego is one of the hardest things that we have to do as humans and they will support us in that process by offering us simple Spiritual Action Steps during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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