Our Divine Download for October 27, 2024 is Ten of Pumpkins from the Halloween Tarot. In other tarot interpretations, this would be considered the Ten of Earth, Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Coins, Ten of Autumn, And Ten of Archangel Ariel. Earth (or Pumpkin) cards are all about those things that sustain us on the Earth plane and usually time, money, and health are the three that get the most lip service or buzz. So if you've had any worries about time, money, or health, you can go ahead and blow those worries away or drop them like they're hot, because this is a card of reassurance telling you that all is not only well, but likely better than you expect that it will be. This card is also indicative of a very happy family life, and a very happy family life that is supported by your material and emotional needs being met - what could be better than that?! The Ten of Pumpkins/Earth can also have a bit of a "rainbow after the storm energy" meaning that now that you have been through the thick of the storm, and things may have been stormy, dark, cloudy, even flat out plain old shitty for a time, now the sun is finally coming out and there is a rainbow that appears to usher in the depths of all of the positive changes that are upon you because you have learned the lessons that you were meant to learn from the storm that rolled through. We can even look at it that the Ten of Bats/Air told us to expect that things would get better, and now that they have, we can settle in and enjoy our family (be it or origin or of choice) and all behold the beautiful rainbow together. Because Earth/Pumpkin cards also can reference our family of origin, this is a reassurance that positive times are upon us with our family, so if there has been family turmoil, or anything less than harmony, you can go ahead and blow those challenges away too.
When we invest in ourselves, the investment that we make in ourselves comes back to us faster and with greater interest than in just about anything else we can invest our energy and our resources in. Invest in yourself with an Integrative Reiki Session to prepare for the lovely times that await you. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!