Our Divine Download for May 1, 2023 is Brilliant Beliefs/Luminous Life Force, Person Power from The Priestess of Light Oracle. You project a brilliant life-force energy out into the world. #facts Your heart center shines with the light of your divine origins and connection. #facts So few people are taught to believe this about themselves. They go through life, heck, most of us go through life believing that we are not enough, not deserving, or not capable of making our dreams come true. Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. Those types of erroneous and inaccurate conclusions project a dark energy that brings unhappiness and actually blocks our goals and desires from manifesting. We are being asked through the appearance of this card to embrace our own inner glow and acknowledge our oneness with source. It is this oneness that forges your truth and helps you heal your old hurts and misinformed beliefs. Even if lies about your lack of power and value have been with you for a long time, even your whole life, it's never too late to awaken to your true nature, your absolute truth, and let yourself shine! This is a time of renewed energy for you, and you have the power to overcome your personal demons. #facts Affirm: "I choose to believe in my unlimited power, value, and deserving. My life force shines with the light of my Divine Source." And so it is.
The energy of old outdated and erroneous beliefs can settle into certain areas of our bodies and cause energetic blockages and dis-ease. We can roto-rooter those outdated beliefs right on out of there with an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!