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Be The Kind Of Change Your Wish To See In The World

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for November 16, 2023 is First Quarter Moon in Capricorn/Unleash Your Kindest Self from the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards. We all know that the world has gone a little bit nuts and it can be a jungle out there. It may even feel like every single time we leave our homes, we encounter people who are angry, bitter, hostile, or just plain nutty. But what the world needs now is love in the form of you showing up as the kindest and best version of yourself. It's time to "kill them with kindness" folks. We can best do this, and shine the light of the kindest version of ourselves by being as present moment focused as we can possibly be and choosing to bring kindness, love, and light to all of our interactions. This is especially true for those people who feel the absolute most difficult and most challenging to share the kindest version of ourselves with. Those are the very people who have become hardened from the circumstances of their lives and likely need our kindness and our grace the most. This goes for ourselves too. How kind have you been to yourself lately? Have you shown up in the kindest most loving way to yourself and for yourself? Do you know what it means or how it looks to do that? If not, it's time to make a chance and to shower yourself with all of the kindness that you feel is lacking in the world. Give to yourself first, and it will multiply and make it easier and smoother to show up in this way for other people as well. Especially those who need it most, but you may feel least inclined to share it with. Being kind doesn't necessarily mean that you are agreeing with everything that someone is doing, or that you are being a pushover to anyone else's agenda. It simply means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Being considerate is key here because it does mean that you are considering the other person or people. When we are considerate of each other, the world is a much gentler, more connected place.

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