Our Divine Download for November 24, 2024 is I Am Bold from The I Am Everything Affirmation Card Deck with the message "I speak my truth in a loving way. My courage to communicate my needs is powered by love for myself and love for others. I am bold." There is a difference between being bold and acting out of a place of love and authenticity and speaking your truth, and being brazen and being assertive to the point of being aggressive for the sake of being so and because you don't want to take the time eor expend the energy to regulate your emotions. When you are bold you inspire yourself and others and they will feel uplifted by your strength and your boldness. When you are brazen and aggressive, others won't want much to do with you and chances are better than not that you will rub them the wrong way in the process. The universe favors and rewards boldness. It frowns on anything beyond that or with lower vibrational energy. So before you lean into the concept of construct of "I was just being bold" really check yourself and see where your motivation is coming from. If your motivation is coming from your ego, it will be lower vibrational energy and it will not feel authentic to you, even if you get a very temporary dopamine hit from your actions. But if you are coming from an authentic and loving place of intuition and your boldness is backed by true courage, you will feel calm, peaceful, and in alignment. You will not feel the need to explain or justify your words or actions. You will feel strong. You will feel powerful. But it will not be the type of power that exists for you to hold that power over others. It will be the type of power that is there to help you inspire and empower others with and through your actions. Be bold. Authentically and lovingly bold.
Our Angels know that it is not always easy for us to be bold and sometimes it can require a healthy dose of courage, which they will gladly provide for us during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
