Our Divine Download for June 20, 2024 is Yin-Yang/Balance from The Signs of The Times Oracle. The yin-yang symbol represents duality in all aspects of life: light and darkness, masculine and feminine, the higher self and the shadow self, etc. These are all seemingly opposite, but they are also complementary and interconnected. The duality of this symbol is that although its origins are Divine, in popular culture it represents both the spiritual and the secular. You do not have to choose one over the other. The yin-yang symbol displayed as a charm on a necklace is a reminder to embrace and recognize all parts of yourself, including the hidden or unseen aspects. Embrace your own duality and the way you express yourself. The Universe is a chaotic yet finely tuned machine that always seeks to balance itself out. You should too! Express all aspects of yourself. Embrace your spirituality. Let go of anything weighing your down, any and all heavy energies that no longer serve your highest good. Change your perspective to see both sides of all coins that cross your proverbial path. Balance is not usually achieved through extremes, but through subtleties. Balances is best achieved in seeing what you can rearrange rather than what you can drop or let go of, but also with a willingness to let go when necessary.
Energetic balance can be achieved through an Integrative Reiki Session. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!