Our Divine Download for January 30, 2025 is Release from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. This card suggests that we work with Archangel Michael to help us release what no longer serves us. And we saw Archangel Michael come up earlier in the week for us. So, what's not working for you any more? What are you having a hard time letting go of? Wherever you feel challenged or friction, or resistance, or as though you just can't possibly release something or let go of something on your own (whether it be a person, place, thing, or pattern of behavior) this is where you need to ask AA Michael to help you release. Why are you still holding on to things that no longer serve you? When you do so, you block the space for your blessings to land. There is a finite amount of space within your physical body, within your aura, within the physical space where you live and work, and if that space is being filled and held by things that you need to release, there won't be any room left for those things that you do want, you do need, and you aren't thinking about getting rid of. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage, and even several attempts to release things even when we know that they are not good for us or in our best interest, and that is why it is so beneficial to ask the Angels for their help. Release doesn't have to be hard, painful, challenging, or difficult. It is our thoughts that make it so. Ultimately release is simply the act of letting go. But you've actually got to let it go. You can't let it go most of the way and then tighten your fist around it again. You can't let it go, and then pick it back up. You must let it go. For good. All of the way. You'll feel so much better and so much lighter when you do. And you don't have to do it alone!
When we are having a really hard time releasing something it could be because there ware negative cords of attachment which are making it more challenging for us to release. An Energetic Cord Cutting can help sever the negative cords of attachment that serve to keep us stuck. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
