Our Divine Download for March 20, 2024 is Moon/Perception from the Starcodes Astro Oracle. The Moon governs our emotions, our emotional needs, and how we seek to get our emotional needs met in the world. So of course there is a HUGE amount of perception that comes into play when we look at our emotions. We have the perception that stems from our own individual moon sign placement in our natal chart, and anything that may aspect that placement. We have the perception that comes of all of our collective emotional experiences throughout our life time and what our experiences have been as we have identified our emotional needs and attempted to get them met by the people in our lives and the world at large. We have the perception that is colored by the beliefs about emotions and emotional needs from our family of origin and any messages that they may have had surrounding emotions and emotional needs. We have the perceptions that stem from society at large (i.e. boys don't cry, women are overly emotional, etc.) So there are a whole host of perceptions that go into our perception of our own emotions and our own emotional needs. Here's the problem with that: our emotions are meant to be like the tides (also governed by the mood) and to flow through us like water. But that can't happen when we are SO busy analyzing the perceptions surrounding our emotions and emotional needs. It is good to be aware of those perceptions, but we don't want to get stuck thinking our way through them, rather than feeling our way through our emotions (or allowing our emotions to flow through us). Be willing to be aware of the lenses through which you formed your emotional perspectives and be willing to adjust those lenses as needed as you tune into the rhythms and cycles of the moon.
If you are not sure where your moon is in your birth chart or how it may be aspected by the other placements within your chart, An Intuitive Astrological Chart Reading with Interpretation will help you learn about all of the lovely potentials of your birth chart. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
