Our Divine Download for November 23, 2024 is I AM Grateful from the I Am Everything Affirmation Card Deck with the message "I realize that what is right about my life outnumbers what I perceive to be wrong about my life. I choose to focus on what makes me feel good. I am grateful." We've all heard the suggestion or the directive to count our blessings, but there really is something to that. Because the reality is that for most of us once we start counting our blessings, really sinking in and listing them out (Out Loud of course!), we may begin to feel like we'll never stop. Because all of us (ALL. Of. Us.) have SO much to be grateful for at any given time, it really, truly is astonishing and overwhelming. But we don't focus much on the gratitude side of things. Instead we focus on what we lack. What we don't like. What isn't necessarily going our way. (Pro tip: when we focus on these areas we manifest exactly what we do not want which is MORE lack, more things we don't like, and more things that aren't necessarily going our way). Life will never be perfect and things are always going to happen. None of us are going to get it right 100% of the time and embody the perfect attitude of gratitude. But honestly ask yourself how often do you practice active or radical gratitude? For most of us, it just isn't that often. Imagine what we could change within our lives if we started with just a few moments a day of active gratitude. Imagine if more of us starting doing this than not. Imagine what a difference that would make not only in our lives, but in our worlds. Challenge yourself, not just because it is November and in the US it is usually the month that we focus most intently on gratitude, but challenge yourself to cultivate an active or even a radical gratitude practice into your life each and every single day. And watch the ultimate transformation take shape in your life!
An Integrative Reiki Session is a wonderful and relaxing way to show gratitude and appreciation to our physical bodies for all of the various ways that they support us each and every single day. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
