Our Divine Download for September 22, 2021 is Wars and Battles from the Past Life Oracle Cards. It would be an understatement to say that we live in a time of much conflict. Some of the conflict at play may be so severe that it may feel like a war, or at the very least an internal war. When you deal with challenging situations in your life to you have the attitude that it will be or that you are embroiled in a battle? Sometimes certainly this is true. But other times, most times even, we create more conflict than is necessary because we are just so very ready to fight and we are just so very ready to head into battle. But is it necessary to show up to every fight we are invited to? Absolutely not! Especially in the age of social media, we are all invited to many, many battles over the course of a given day. But we do not have to choose to participate. We don't have to pick up our proverbial sword for every single conflict. We are being told to seek out opportunities to put that sword down, to walk away from conflict and battles, and to prioritize peace in our lives. It can feel very challenging to downshift in this way when we have been so emotionally heightened and so geared up for battle for so very long. But that's just not good for us! That is not how we are meant to live. Allow yourself to take a day or a few days and sort of be a casual observer in your own life, observing especially your relationship with conflict. Give yourself the grace and the space to observe without judgement. Then see if your relationship with conflict is serving you right now. Assess if your current relationship with conflict supports where you want to go and what you want to do in your life. Make any necessary adjustments with love.
If you have been trying to break away from conflict or experience less conflict in your life and you feel stuck, or as if there is always some obstacle (or some ass hat) keeping you from doing so, it may be time to sit down with your Angels during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading in order to allow them to help you prioritize less conflict and more peace in your life. Book Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Here: Book Your Session HERE!
