Our Divine Download for January 25, 2025 is Archangel Michael from The Angel Therapy Oracle Cards. Any time Archangel Michael shows up for us this clearly, this obviously, this accurately, we know that we have an extra layer of divine protection right now. That doesn't meant that we should take unnecessary risks, or test this by going and playing in traffic, but it does mean that there really isn't too awfully much in our lives that we need to worry about (and worry is always wasted energy anyway) because Archangel Michael has our back in a big, bold, bad ass way. Archangel Michael will help strengthen us and will help us with our courage and our bravery, but also as much as a prankster as he can be, he will also help us with our discipline, logic, organization, and our leadership skills. But we have to ask. Free will choice is a hard and fast universal law and the Angels, even the Archangels cannot violate free will choice, so it is absolutely, 100%, completely necessary for us to ask our Angels for their intercession any time we desire it. We have to grant them permission. Archangel Michael also has a flaming sword of light (I mean, seriously, what is cooler than that?!) and with that flame of light and our express permission he will help us to sever negative cords of attachment as well as to help us to cut out anything negative in our lives that is no longer serving us. We do not have to do this all on our own, and we do not have to worry about how these things will happen because Archangel Michael has our back, and he'll take care of it for us (with our express permission). Our Angels and the Archangels are ALWAYS with us, but this is a sure sign that Archangel Michael is even more accessible to us right now than he usually is.
Connect with all of your Angels including Archangel Michael during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
