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Writer's pictureJanelle L. Auch

Trust The Unknown

Our Divine Download for November 5, 2022 is The Unknowable/The Blank Rune from The Rune Cards. Blank is both the end as well as the beginning. This is the Rune of total trust and should be taken as exciting evidence of your most immediate contact with your own true destiny, which rises like the phoenix from the ashes of what we call fate, time and time again. Relinquishing control is the ultimate challenge for the spiritual warrior and The Unknowable reminds us that sometimes we are simply not meant to know. It invites us to embrace the curiosity of not knowing that which lies within unlimited potential. The Unknowable assures you that there is motion in your life even if you do not yet feel it or see the tangible results of the manifestation of that motion. The blankness of The Unknowable hold undiluted potential - infinite potential! Sometimes drawing The Blank Rune may bring to the surface our deepest fears: Will I fail? Will I be abandoned? Will it all be taken away? But, our highest good and our truest potential and all of our fertile dreams are held within the blankness. Willingness and permitting are what this Rune requires, for how can you exercise control over what is not yet in physical form? (Hint: you can't!) The Blank Rune often calls for the act of courage of leaping into the void. This Rune suggests a direct test of faith in the best possible way.

We mere mortals don't do so well with things of an unknowable nature and our Angels are here to support us in this during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!


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